The Rottnest Foundation actively seeks grant funding to support environmental, heritage and cultural conservation projects
Successful Grants
$19,580 (2023)
Alinta Energy Environmental Grant - Woodland Restoration and Expansion 100 Alinta Energy staff to participate over 3 days of planting and tree guard removal. This project builds community capacity in woodland restoration activities and promotes awareness about conservation and the Island's unique environmental values.
$16,000 (2022)
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Grant - Queen’s Jubilee Commemorative Tree Planting Project includes the planting of 5 semi-mature Melaleuca lanceolata and 5 semi-mature Callitris preissii to provide protection from the weather, shade, habitat for fauna, and improve the presentation upon entry to the Bickley Battery Ngank Yira Bidi walk trail and mark the significant occasion of Her Majesty's Jubilee.
$18,825 (2021)
Alinta Energy Environmental Grant will continue to support the dune rehabilitation program on Rottnest Island. This grant will revegetate approximately 1,452sqm of coastal dune at Fays Bay. During the winter planting program Alinta volunteers will travel to the Island to support the project by planting up to 3,500 coastal dune species across the site.
$1,700 (2020)
‘Containers for Change’ Department of Water & Environmental Regulation Grant to install a recycling donation point for eligible containers on Rottnest Island. Support the Rottnest Foundation by using our Scheme ID C10267961
$25,000 (2020)
The Copland Foundation Grant supported the acquisition of a bronze bust of a Noongar Elder ‘Noongar Boodja’ which is located in the grounds of the Wadjemup Museum. ‘Noongar Boodja’ has a powerful presence as he looks towards the Quod, which was used to house Aboriginal prisoners, and will serve to both connect and acknowledge the Aboriginal history of Wadjemup (Rottnest Island).
$17,940 (2020)
Alinta Energy Environmental Grant to facilitate dune rehabilitation and stabilisation at Longreach Bay as part of the Rottnest Island Settlement Greening Plan. Alinta staff volunteers traveled to the Island to plant 3,200 endemic dune species that had been propagated on the Island by Nursery Volunteers.
$18,000 (2020)
‘Australian Government Communities Environment Program Grant’ to support rehabilitation of 0.3 hectare area of saltmarsh habitat at Herschel Lake. Works included the constructions of quokka-exclusion fencing, propagation of seedlings and planting of 6,400 salt-marsh species by Foundation members. The project aims to increase habitat for migratory shorebirds and deter pedestrian/cyclist access, which is a key threat to the microbial communities that are supported by the salt lakes, which are listed as ‘Wetlands of National Importance’.
$10,000 (2017-2018)
‘Westpac Community Grant’ to support existing statewide Aboriginal consultation for the Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground Restoration Project.
$1,000 (2017)
‘Volunteering WA’ National Volunteer Week Grant , supported by Lotterywest to contribute to the Rottnest Island Volunteer Networking Day for up to 50 volunteers.
$210,000 (2016-2018)
Commonwealth Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure Program, delivered by Tourism WA, to support the delivery of the Ngank Wen ‘Explore West End’ section of the Wadjemup Bidi, a 7.6km loop at the West End of Rottnest.
$100,000 (2013)
Department of Sport & Recreation Grant, supported by Lotterywest, for the construction of a boardwalk and installation of interpretative signage adjacent to Lake Baghdad on the Gabbi Karniny ‘Discover the Salt Lakes’ section of the Wadjemup Bidi.
$15,000 (2012)
Lotterywest grant to support engineering drawings for the Cathedral Rocks Seal Viewing Platform and trail link to the Ngank Wen Bidi.
$30,000 (2011)
Department of Parks & Wildlife Grant to upgrade and formalise two sets of beach access into Little Parakeet Bay on the Gabbi Karniny Bidi. Works included the installation of interpretive signage and revegetation planting by Foundation members.
$27,032 (2010)
Lotterywest Grant to support the development of the Wadjemup Bidi Site Development Plan. A 45km network of trails that will provide a new recreational experience connecting visitors with the natural, heritage and cultural values of Rottnest, whilst managing visitor impact on the fragile coastal and woodland habitats.
$25,320 (2001)
Lotterywest Grant to develop a Conservation Plan for the refurbishment of the WWII Battery Observation Post at Signal Ridge on Wadjemup Hill.
$20,000 (2000)
Lotterywest Grant to support the repair and restoration of the Boat House roof to house the rebuilt Pilot Boat and upgrade interpretive displays.
$23,000 (1999)
Lotterywest Grant to support architectural design upgrades for select Rottnest accommodation to allow wheelchair access as part of the Accessible Island Project.