Our news
Investment in Project Planning
A significant financial investment has been expended by the RIA, to complete the planning stages for the Rottnest Foundation Priority Projects.
Sue Stepatschuk brings new skills
We are thrilled to welcome Sue Stepatschuk as a new Rottnest Foundation Board Member.
2024 AGM and End of Year Event
On Wednesday, 27 November the Rottnest Foundation held its Annual General Meeting in Fremantle, followed by our End of Year Event.
Priority Projects Update
The Rottnest Foundation, working closely with the RIA are dedicated to bringing these projects to life, and we are excited to share some key updates on the Wadjemup Conservation Centre and the Boodja Kaartdijin Project.
Quokka Birthday Weekend Celebrations
Springtime on the island means warmer weather, calmer seas and lots of quokka joeys! To celebrate, the RIA hosted the Quokka Birthday Weekend on September 14 and 15 and the Rottnest Foundation joined in the fun.
New partnerships for the Foundation
Every sponsorship, partnership and donation helps the Rottnest Foundation raise awareness and much needed funds to Conserve the Essence of Wadjemup. We’ve recently engaged with two exciting new partners
Rottnest Foundation Member Volunteering 2024
We offer our members a variety of volunteering opportunities throughout the year, find out what we got up to this year and what events are still to come!
Alinta Energy Corporate Volunteering
The Alinta Energy team rose to the volunteering challenge brilliantly, making a huge contribution to our Woodlands Restoration Project and ensuring native species in the area will now flourish.
Welcome to Karen Jacobs our newest Ambassador
We are delighted to welcome Karen as an Ambassador to the Rottnest Foundation and look forward to working with her to conserve the essence of Wadjemup.
Donate to vote for the Quokka!
To be crowned the Marsupial of the Year we need your help to raise more than $10,000 on our dedicated Go Fund Me page by 30 September.
Vote for the Quokka as Marsupial of the year!
The Rottnest Foundation is excited to have been chosen as the charity recipient for the quokka in The Project’s Marsupial of the Year.
New Ambassadors Appointed
We are thrilled to welcome Australian businessman and former RIA Chairman, John Langoulant and Australian Cricket Captain, Mitch Marsh and his wife Greta as the newest Ambassadors for the Rottnest Foundation.
HBF partnership funds Nursery upgrade
Thanks to the generous donations made by HBF Health to the Rottnest Foundation, we have been able to fund the installation of a much-needed reticulation system at the Nursery.
Board tours priority projects on island
The Rottnest Foundation held the May Board meeting on Rottnest Island, and were joined by Ambassadors Jeff King and Andy Fethers, and key members of the RIA Executive. Following the meeting the Board and their guests toured a number of Priority Project sites, receiving detailed progress updates from the RIA Heritage and Environment Team.
Horizon Power Corporate Volunteering Day
Horizon Power staff join us for their Corporate Volunteering Day, removing tree guards on Rottnest Island.
The book launch of “Remembering Rottnest” by Pat Barblett AM
Pat Barblett AM takes us on a fascinating journey showcasing her relationship and involvement with Rottnest Island over the last 70 years.
Fundraising success by the London Chapter
The London Chapter have raised more than $30,000 in their latest fundraising event.
Graham Edwards AM presents on Accessible Tourism at Rottnest After Dark
Well done to the RICC on organising the wonderful Rottnest After Dark event where Graham Edwards AM presented on Accessible Tourism.
Our partnership with South32 Rottnest Channel Swim
Thank you to South32 Rottnest Channel Swim for your continuing support in 2024.
Andy Fethers, our newest Ambassador
We are thrilled to announce Andy Fethers as the newest Ambassador for the Rottnest Foundation.