Wadjemup Conservation Centre

Focus  Environment, Education and Research

Wadjemup Conservation Centre

Purpose built terrestrial conservation centre, with public access and education spaces, quokka welfare centre and research facilities.

The proposed Wadjemup Conservation Centre will seek to be a state-of-the-art conservation facility with an emphasis on visitor engagement and showcasing the island’s outstanding natural environments.

Project Outcomes

•      Construct a world-class hub highlighting the island’s unique natural environment,

threats, and conservation challenges

•      Engage visitors to discover, learn, grow, contribute and reflect on the wonders of

the natural world

•      Foster an understanding and connection with the natural environment

•      Showcase research activities and monitoring programs occurring on the island and surrounding waters

•      Provide a state-of-the art home for quokka welfare and rehabilitation


Funding Opportunities


•      Contribution to planning and design phase

•      Construction phase

•      Potential sub projects such as quokka welfare and rehabilitation depending on design elements

We are seeking both individual donations and partnerships with corporate and philanthropic organisations to deliver this project. Please contact us on info@rottnestfoundation.org.au.


Bickley Military Heritage Precinct