Alinta Energy Grant

Feb 24, 2021

The Rottnest Foundation has been successful in securing a $17,940 funding grant that will be used to revegetate and stabilise an area of coastal dune system at Longreach Bay.

The dunes are impacted by strong coastal winds and foot traffic. Once established, the native dune species grown by Rottnest Island Nursery Volunteers, will assist in the long-term stabilisation of the area, provide important habitat for native fauna and reduce the impacts of further coastal erosion.

The project will raise awareness of conservation efforts and encourages community engagement, including Alinta staff who will undertake revegetation tasks alongside Rottnest Foundation members during the winter planting program which runs from June through to August.

The Longreach Link revegetation projects is a staged restoration project within the six year Rottnest Island Settlement Greening Program.


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