Our news
New Year, New Horizons
It’s been an incredible start to the year, as we welcome two new faces and move into our new offices.
Sandy Barblett a proud Ambassador
We are thrilled to announce Sandy Barblett as the Rottnest Foundations newest Ambassador.
Alinta Energy expanding Wadjemup Woodlands
This November we hosted a team of volunteers from Alinta Energy to undertake the Tree Guard removal as part of the Woodland Restoration project.
Corporate Sundowner New Projects Launch
Rottnest Foundation Corporate Sundowner launching the Foundation’s new Conservation Projects.
HBF staff giving back!
HBF staff feeling the benefits of community engagement and volunteering.
Rottnest Foundation in London
Discussing conserving the essence of Rottnest Island Wadjemup at Australia House on the Strand.
HBF Rottnest Foundation Partnership
The Rottnest Foundation are delighted to sign a new partnership with HBF Health.
New Board Appointments
The Rottnest Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of four long time advocates of Wadjemup to its Board. Pictured above: Outgoing Chair, Jeff King OAM and incoming Chair, Steve Carre OAM
Ambassador Program Launch & two new Life Members
Hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier & Minister for Tourism, officially launched the Rottnest Foundation Ambassador Program with Jeff King OAM to be the very first Ambassador.
Queen’s Jubilee Commemorative Tree Planting Project
Rottnest Island's key volunteer groups came together to plant #melaleuca and #callitrispreisii trees🌳 as part of the Rottnest Island Queen’s Jubilee Commemorative Tree Planting Project.
Making Rottnest Island accessible to all visitors
Accessibility for all visitors to Rottnest Island is important to the Foundation, which is why we secured a grant from the State Government to fund an all terrain wheelchair and walker.
New beach access on the Gabby Karniny Bidi
The new $75,000 beach access into north Thomson Bay was made possible with funding from the Rottnest Foundation and its London Chapter.
Behind the Smile
Australian Geographic partner with the Rottnest Foundation to support quokka conservation on Rottnest Island.
Wadjemup welcomes Noongar Boodja
Noongar Boodja provides a powerful presence as he looks over towards the Quod, which was used as an Aboriginal Prison between 1838 to 1931.
Adopt the happiest animal on earth
This is your chance to become a quokka conservation hero.
Alinta Energy Community Grant supports dune revegetation
Alinta Energy volunteers plant 5,500 seedlings to rehabilitate coastal dune at Longreach Bay.
Quokka Smock supports conservation on Rottnest
Melbourne based clothing brand, Princess Highway has donated $14,668 from proceeds of their ‘Bushland Quokka’ smock dress to support conservation on Rottnest Island.
HBF Corporate Volunteering
HBF has once again partnered with the Rottnest Foundation to support conservation work on Rottnest Island.
Alinta Energy Grant
The Rottnest Foundation has been successful in securing a $17,940 funding grant from Alinta Energy to help stabilise the dune system at Longreach Bay.
Wadjemup Museum Refurbishment
The new Wadjemup Museum, opened by the Minister for Tourism on 22 December, has undergone a $1million refurbishment through the Commonwealth’s National Tourism Icons program.